Waikato Regional Council and power company Mercury are managing flows in the Waikato Hydro System in response to the recent rain, as well as forecast wet weather later this week
Waikato Regional Council and power company Mercury are managing flows in the Waikato Hydro System in response to the recent rain, as well as forecast wet weather later this week
13 July 2022
The Regional Council says the Karapiro dam will be discharging at maximum consented flow of 500 cumecs for at least the next 12 to 24 hours,
It warns water levels will rise downstream and in Hamilton, some river paths will be under water while the Grantham Street car park may also be inaccessible due to flooding
There are also concerns over the Waipa River which is continuing to rise meaning flows downstream of Ngaruawahia will also be high.
However the council says its modelling shows no homes will be impacted
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