NZCity - NZ's Premium Start Page
29 Mar 2025 1:48
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NZCity Membership

Start Here
While you've always been able to personalise NZCity without giving any details at all, customisation is a key feature of NZCity, so for the more advanced features like being able to reload your homepage on other computers, enter our competitions, use our finance portfolio manager and being able to email things on NZCity to friends now requires a free NZCity membership. Its quick and easy to join and as accountable Kiwis we have a comprehensive privacy policy.

To get started, let's find out if you already have, or have ever had, an NZCity membership by checking if your email has been used with NZCity before:

Page Preferences

Set your page options here - don't forget that you can also customise your NewsLinks, weather and horoscope readings below.


Email Login Preferences

All of the options on the left are available for display directly on your Personal Start Page.  Simply select the options you want displayed and they will appear each time you visit.
* Note: Links to external sites do not indicate endorsement by these sites
Section Preferences

Customise your NewsLinks headlines, local 3 day weather forecast and horoscope reading here. Remember that the full NewsLinks listings and horoscope readings are still only a click away!
You can customise Newslinks to display topics you are interested in. The default is all topics.

Display Newslinks
Remove articles that I have read
Select the area closest to you for your weather forecast, If your City is next to the sea you can also choose to have Tide information and Sunrise/Sunset information
Horoscope:   Set your starsign for your Daily Horoscope reading
Horoscope: D M Y
General Preferences
Set your browsing options here:  These general options allow you to open a new window when clicking on links, increase the font size, and the Section control buttons allow you to move sections around on your Start Page.
These options set the way your Browser handles text and links within NZCity.  For the ability to move the sections up and down on your Start Page, tick the 'Display Section Control Buttons'
Search Engine Preferences

In addition to the NZCity Search Tools you can pick other Search Tools Here
Colour Preferences

This option allows you to select from various colour schemes, modifying the look of NZCity to your favourite colours.  
We are always listening to site feedback and have added this feature after numerous requests from our users.

Enable Special Event themes (Xmas/Valentines etc)
If you have any queries on how we use the details your provide please read our privacy statement
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